• Testimonials

    Words from a few clients…

  • Testimonials

    Words from a few clients…


While I came to Corinne with a new medical issue, she was able to reassure me that I would overcome my health challenge with a different way of eating. The first thing I noticed about Corinne was her generosity with her time, and her understanding and kindness. By initially reviewing my lifetime food history, we were able to discover long-held beliefs about food that needed to be changed to get me back to health.

Each session with Corinne is a warm supportive time to review my food plan and make weekly adjustments. Corinne makes it so easy to open up to her and together we find solutions and make plans. With her help, I have been able to lose almost 30 pounds and food has an altogether different meaning for me. Corinne helped me see that food is a form of nourishment which helps me to keep my well-being sacred, an important part of healing.

I am happy to report that I do not feel deprived of my favorite foods but have embraced an altogether different way of eating which gives me much more pleasure and satisfaction. But Corinne’s gift of gentle understanding, optimism and kindness is really the catalyst for long-lasting change.

About a year ago, I made a decision to try to lose weight.

I was struggling with formulating a plan when a friend suggested I call Corinne. It turned out to be a great suggestion.

Corinne helped me to learn which foods are good for me and which ones to avoid. She also straightened me out on a few of the misconceptions I had picked up on certain foods.

Instead of dreading dieting, Corinne gave me a positive outlook for mixing flavors, controlling portions, and being more careful of what I put in my body.

She helped me to lose weight, gave me the tools to better maintain my weight in the future, and helped me to take the stress out of the process.

I remember the day I began to use food for emotional salve instead of for sustenance. I was in 6th grade and it was a Sunday. I discovered that day that if I helped myself to a second helping of mashed potatoes, then I could sit a while longer and tolerate the dreaded Sunday family meal each week, and the chaos that usually surrounded me during that meal. It was a new “trick” and thus began my ability to use food to avoid difficult feelings. The only problems were that my weight increased and I didn’t really consciously know or understand what I was doing. Thus began my lifelong struggle with my weight.

Time is a healer, though, and insight finally began to stream through like the light of a summer sun through a window. I sat in Weight Watchers meetings and suppressed my screams. I wanted to shout, “Stop talking about lasagna and help me figure out why I am fat!!!”. But I didn’t scream, and when my 750th foray with Weight Watchers didn’t result in weight loss yet again, I then went to another diet club that charged me $3000!! I think I loss 10 pounds, so it cost me about $300 per pound!

It takes a lot of courage to understand the “addiction” of choosing food over feelings and admit to oneself that one is an addict, much like someone who is drug addicted. I learned about “highly palatable foods” that the food industry produced that made me want more. I researched and studied everything I could on emotional eating and how to break the cycle. All this activity that I just described led me to Corinne. I realized that I couldn’t break this cycle on my own. I needed help, holistic help. I need help becoming a whole foods eater after spending years as a processed food eater. I was scared, Corinne soothed the way.

I learned that healthy eating could result in weight loss and whole foods could be nourishing, delicious, and satisfying. I learned how delicious fruit is, especially at the height of their season. I learned to add protein to my eating plan. Corinne saw me holistically, as a whole person, body and mind. Through her coaxing I realized that I didn’t have to join a gym, but I could take a walk in nature each day. I could take baby steps. Her expertise is deeper though. She is very bright and knowledgeable about food and how it reacts with digestion and the body.

Corinne didn’t tell me what to eat, but we worked collaboratively together to come up with choices that were right for me, keeping my weight loss and emotional needs in mind. Corinne has the technical knowledge and the educational foundation, but she practices holistically as well, which is what was lacking in all my prior attempts at weight loss. I would recommend a partnership with her if you are struggling with emotional eating or a food addiction.  Thank you Corinne!

I sought the assistance of a nutritionist because I was sick and tired of the diet merry-go-round. I have been on and off diets my whole life, gaining and losing the same 30-40 lbs at least 5 or 6 times in my adult life. I always had success losing weight it’s just that the weight always came back. I wanted something different this time. I also kept hearing and reading about clean eating, which I’ll be honest I always thought I was doing.

What I needed really was an education and some guidance from a real live person and that’s exactly what I found in Corinne. The first thing I said to her is… “I want to lose weight but I do not want to go on a diet. Is that possible?”

We talked a lot that first appointment. She’s a great listener. She learned about my eating habits and instantly put her finger on a couple of things that she felt could make a difference. And it did! I also learned something about myself, I thought I was eating good food just too much of it, as it turns out I was right on one count, the eating too much part but I was wrong on the other, I wasn’t really eating as “good” as I thought.

Corinne provided me a lot of practical information and some subtle changes that yielded early results. I lost 5 lbs in the first two weeks. And I have steadily lost weight, not as fast as if I had been on one of those other “diet” plans, but I wasn’t on a diet this time.

And in each and every visit, I have either maintained or lost weight. I’ve learned that there are subtle ways to change what I am eating that make a real difference.

I have learned to enjoy cooking again too! I have learned how to make treats to satisfy my sweet tooth and not sabotage my desire to lose weight.

In addition, I had recently learned that I had severe arthritis in my knees and was hoping a healthier diet would help and as it turns out it has in a very tangible way. My knees feel better than they have in years.

Meeting with Corinne was one of the best decisions I made in a long time. She has helped me in the most obvious way as I have been losing weight but she has also helped me learn about myself in the process too. I feel better physically and that helps you feel better emotionally too!

If you are even thinking about seeking the assistance of a nutritionist you should definitely give Corinne a call. She’s fabulous!

I have been overweight most of my life, with surges of activity and better eating, but only to fall back into lethargy and bad habits. Corinne’s dedication, patience and insights are exactly what I needed to start – and continue – losing pounds after all these years.

Corinne Goff’s Be The Change Nutrition consultation helped me lose 35 pounds in twelve months. Every pound has been a challenge and Corinne has been with me the whole time. I started in September 2015 at 302, then reached my goal of 289 by Jan 1, 2016. Just getting to 289, even if I had to take my shoes off!, and making that simple first goal was great. We have set monthly goals since, most I have met, some I have not. But we keep pushing forward, meeting every single week. I weighed in at 267.6 at my last weigh in with Corinne in early September, 2016. The next goal is 259 by January 1, 2017. I may get there sooner. For 2018, I will focus on my life-goal weight. But, one step at a time, and I am slightly ahead of schedule. That’s the nuts and bolts.

Beyond pounds, for me the real deal is how I look and how I feel. I don’t have that same “tired” feeling all the time, or that usual “bloated after eating” feeling… that feeling I had all day, no matter what or when I ate. I don’t have that ache in my lower back anymore. Well, there’s 35 pounds less to carry! Also, for the first time in years, I got in the “30s” for pants size. From 42 down to 38. And, for the first time since college, I am into a size 2XL shirt, instead of a 3XL or even a 4XL.

Twelve months ago I met Corinne after coming to the conclusion I needed professional help. At 52 yrs old, 5’11”, 280 lbs and just learning I was type 2 diabetic, I needed to make a serious change. I made it to 260 lbs on my own then hit a wall. I was getting frustrated and about to give up when I called Corinne…looking for a miracle. Corinne gave me the greatest tool, she showed me how to not just lose weight, but how to change my lifestyle. After 12 months I’m now 210 lbs and my blood work has never been better. I have a good knowledge of proteins, carbs, fats, how to read food labels, when the best time is to eat as well as a better understanding of how things affect my weight like sleep, nutrition, exercise and stress. Corinne is very knowledgeable, caring, patient and a great listener. She doesn’t judge you when you have a set back and instead shows you how to get back on track. She’s concerned about your health and wants to see you succeed while helping you with realistic achievable goals. It has been a pleasure working with her and probably the best phone call I ever made.

After a week of logging my eating, Corinne made some very helpful tweaks and suggestions.

My cholesterol had been fluctuating into the high range, and I don’t want to have to take medication.

When I make the better choices and cook more at home, my lab results really change.

Be the Change Nutrition is my go to for practical, fun and innovative eating ideas.

Like Corinne says, it’s what you have on hand; in the pantry, so keep on healthy shopping!! Thank you. Corinne!

After many years of struggling with my nutrition, trying various plans and attempts to understand my eating patterns on my own I decided it was time to make a real change. My PCP referred me to Be the Change Nutrition.

I really wasn’t sure what to expect but found a kind, knowledgeable, and inspiring professional in Corinne. Each time we met we would discuss my goals and habits. We would find ways to make adjustments that were manageable and empowered me to think about food and nutrition in a way that has been all around positive AND I learned I still get to eat great food that I love.

Working with Corinne brought me the education, guidance, and accountability I needed to make a lasting change in my nutrition.

If anyone has health issues, needing to learn about nutrition, THIS IS YOUR PLACE TO GO.

Corine has been a Godsend helping me after my bypass surgery.

I honestly don’t think I could do this journey without her professional help.

Corinne is a breath of fresh air. You don’t need to feel deprived to eat healthy. She has taught me so much. Thank you Corrine.

I had tried dieting on my own but kept gaining weight and was frustrated. Corinne motivated me and helped me change my eating habits and offered tremendous encouragement. I’m now losing consistently due to her guidance and well on my way to meeting my goal.

Corinne helped me tremendously on my weight loss journey. Through our monthly sessions, she helped me understand the importance of eating whole foods and provided guidance in developing healthier habits. With the knowledge gained from her and a more mindful approach to eating, I’ve kept the weight off and have drastically improved my relationship with food. Highly recommend her!