Weight Loss? Be the Change You Want to See

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Weight loss is a great goal. People come to see me for all kinds of reasons, and almost always, weight loss is either the main reason or part of it. But sadly, I see too many people who are not living their best life because they are held back by their body image issues.

You could have 5lbs you want to lose or 50lbs. It doesn’t matter– when you feel uncomfortable in your skin it makes you frustrated and miserable. I get it; you want to change your body to feel better. And yes, there are dietary and lifestyle adjustments you can make that can help you do that. Those are the kinds of changes you’ll be working on here for sure. But aside from food and movement, there is another dimension to your weight loss journey that is equally as important: your mindset surrounding it.

Ask yourself WHY you want to lose weight. How would your life be different? There is always something deeper there, something you want from the weight loss that is not the actual weight loss itself. When somebody tells me they want to lose weight, what I really hear is some version of “I want to feel better about myself and in my body.”

You want to feel better about yourself and your body. Think about that concept— do you actually need to wait until you physically change your body to feel that way? Your initial response might be YES! But, truly the answer is no. To prove my point, there are plenty of unhappy thin people who see their bodies as fat and flawed, just as there are many people in larger bodies who feel energetic, confident and perfectly happy in their skin. It’s really a mindset thing more than a body shape thing.

Wait, I’m not saying to just give up on your weight loss goals! I’m saying, put the number on the scale aside for now and set your sights on other ways to measure your progress and success. Like maybe the things you are hoping for after the weight loss? Things like feeling more confident in your body, experiencing the freedom to do the things that make you happy and being more accepting of how you look. So while you are busy putting your nutrition changes into effect and waiting for the weight loss to happen, envision who you feel you will be once you lose weight and then… BE that change. Yes, I’m saying to have these things now.

This is what Be the Change Nutrition is about. It’s about you BEING the person you want to be. With every cell in your body, practice feeling, thinking, behaving and living your life like that person. Act like that person. Believe you are that person. Not once you lose weight, but right now. Another way to put it is “act as if” or “fake it til you make it.” It’s the law of attraction– you’re more likely to be successful with your weight loss goals if you think, feel and live like you have already reached them!

To give a few examples of how to feel better about yourself and in your body you could:

  • Stop comparing your body to other bodies. I’m guessing you’re zoning in on a select few, like celebrities, models or Instagram pics that aren’t even real. Or maybe it’s that one person at yoga class. Instead, take a broader look around at people: at the grocery store, at the park, your family and friends, etc and notice all the different body types and the unique beauty that every person has. Comparing is not helpful and it will only make you feel bad.
  • Wear clothes that fit, that are comfortable and that you like. Ever notice how you can put on a favorite outfit and feel like a new person? Or wear something too tight, baggy or uncomfortable and all you can think about is how icky you feel? Buy and wear clothes that you like and that fit the body you have now. Maybe treat yourself to a pair of new shoes/sneakers/boots, a fun necklace, a pretty lipstick, etc– whatever gives you a little boost.
  • Let go of your food rules. No foods are off-limits. It’s when you ban certain foods or deny your hunger that you lose control. Allow all foods and then choose when and if you really want them. Relaxing your food rules lets you create a healthier relationship with your body’s cues and builds trust in yourself. It changes your mindset from “I can’t have that” to “I don’t want that” and food loses power over you.
  • Eat for the way you want to feel. Keeping this goal in mind will help guide your food choices. Pay attention to what types of foods satiate you and digest well. Learn which foods don’t. Listen to your body. Notice if you eat to change an unwanted emotional state like boredom, sadness, loneliness, anxiety, etc. In most cases, food doesn’t make you feel better– it only briefly numbs you out. Instead of mindlessly eating, take a pause to check in with yourself and ask what you really need to do to feel better.
  • Have an attitude of gratitude. Thank your body for all it can do. Do you have eyesight? Hearing? Legs to move you around? Good health? You might not always have the things you may take for granted. Appreciate and accept the body you live in. When you cultivate gratitude, you get a warm and fuzzy feeling inside and you are also more likely to take better care of yourself. Be thankful for all the food you have– it’s hard to believe when most of us live in a world of excess, but there are people who don’t have enough to eat.
  • Do something every day that makes you feel good in your body. When do you feel best? For a lot of people this is when they are doing some sort of movement: walking, running, yoga, dancing, lifting weights just to name a few. Being IN your body through motion, stretching and even meditation/breathing can be one of the most effective practices you can do to feel more confident and comfortable in your skin. Being out in nature is also very healing.
  • Have a food plan. Taking the time to plan and prepare your meals means you’re not constantly stressed about what to eat. There is comfort in knowing what you are going to eat at your meals and snacks each day– the decision is already made and you’re not scrambling to figure out what to do when you get hungry. Have a few go-to quick and easy meal ideas on hand for those days when planning and prepping doesn’t happen. Keep a grocery list and shop regularly for what you need.
  • Stay patient and persistent. If your body has weight to lose, it will happen because you are caring for it and being kind towards yourself, not because you are trying to change it.

Hopefully you get the idea. These things have nothing to do with your body size or weight and they have everything to do with what goes on inside your brain and the behaviors you choose. It’s up to you to create your own reality and that starts with your mindset. You will need to leave your comfort zone. But through practice and repetition, you’ll find that your new ways transition into your new comfort zone. Once you start being the change that you want to see, you’ll realize that your life IS changing and you don’t need to wait to achieve these things in the future. You can have them right now. It’s always your life, your body and your choice. 

If you want to change, then Be the Change 🙂

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